Setlists that Major on the Majors

Good morning, worship leaders! It’s amazing how the Lord Himself interacts with us again and again in corporate worship settings. It never gets old—I mean, never ever gets old—to see the “lights” turn on for people, and most humbling of all is being able to help facilitate these sacred moments as the worship leader. Just, wow. I … More Setlists that Major on the Majors

In the Presence of My Enemies

Life with Jesus is fulfilling, adventurous, beautiful, empowering—and frees one to pack light. However, no one is exempt from the obstacles and tragedies that are common to humankind. I’m certain you don’t need me to remind you of that! There are financial devastations, fertility difficulties, employment issues, and horrific injustices. There is also ungodly relational … More In the Presence of My Enemies